Try this only on a test instance. Guest VM networking in kvm is the same as in qemu so it is possible to refer to other documentation about networking in qemu. Pin By Addif Zikri On Numpak Sepur In 2022 修正增加功能on142 addif 具体看上面的说明. . Using brctl addif we can add an interface to an existing ethernet bridge. Brctl命令来自于英文词组bridge control的缩写其功能是用于管理以太网网桥brctl命令能够设置维护检查Linux系统内核中的以太网网桥配置参数语法格式brctl 参数 网桥名称常用参数addbr创建网桥delbr. Dont try this on any critical machines as you might loose network connection to that machine when something goes wrong. It consists of several parts including daemon library and some extra helpers. Although the methods explained in this article are for the Debian system most operations should run on other Debian based systems like Ubuntu and other Linux. 具体操作步骤就下面这步不同其它一致 vim etcmodprobed bondconf alias bond0 bonding options bond0 miimon 100 mode1 模式1 vim etcrcdrclocal eth0 eth1的工作顺序仅在主备模式下需要做这个设置其他的模式不需要做这个...